Pilates Virtual Mat Classes

Try the 2 for $24 intro offer!

  • Tuesday 7 am 
  • Thursday 7 am 

These weekly classes are virtual. Register and receive the Zoom link in your confirmation email.

Online registration closes 3 hours (180 minutes) prior to start time of class.

Each class starts with a warm up to prepare the body (and mind). We’ll also review the fundamentals of the Pilates Method: incorporating the use of breath, activating the deepest core muscles and finding stability in the low back, hips, ribs, shoulders and neck. After a warm up, we’ll follow the traditional flow of exercises created by Joseph Pilates, demonstrated with the beginner and advanced student in mind.

This whole body workout not only focuses on building strength, but also on finding length, balance, breath, flow, alignment and release of tension. Have questions or need help identifying a modification? Stay after class to ask questions and get personalized demonstrations.

Caitlin’s virtual Pilates classes can be done from the comfort of your home. All you need is a mat, laptop, iPad or cell phone. You may also want a small towel to use under your head and neck.


 Contact Caitlin with any questions and to learn more about private Pilates lessons, also called appointments. 

Online registration closes 3 hours (180 minutes) prior to start time of class. 

Studio will be closed 

Monday, January 20, 2025

February 7 - February 10, 2025

Friday, February 21, 2025


Give the gift of Pilates to a friend  

Now offering Great DEALS and many payment options. Rates listed below in the FAQ section.

 Gift Cards available - give the gift of Pilates to a friend 

Purchase Gift card

Frequently Asked Questions:

Whether you are a newcomer to the Pilates Method, an aficionado, in need of rehabilitation, or someone looking for general fitness who wants to feel good - these private lessons with Caitlin can be tailored for you!

Book a Private Lesson